TSCFortress - an explanation. Firstly, I would like to say that this map is designed specifically for teamplay. Through tests, I have found that 4 vs 4 matches have been most entertaining, due to it's size, but that anything up to 6 vs. 6 can be accomodated, despite only 8 spawnpoints. Each team usually finds itself using one of the two "command hubs" for their operations. One, the dominant team, controls the fortress, the other using the underground com center as their base of operations. There is ammo and health here, and you can co-ordinate a multi-pronged attack through the trenches and over the top of the main building. Crossfire was obviously a major source of inspiration, but I decided against the use of the airstrike in pursuit of a purer teamplay match. From experience, I can say that a carefully planned assault from the attacking team can be ruined simply by pushing the airstrike button, forcing the opposition out of cover. It is debatable whether this actually ruins the game, but some of the best matches I've played have been when each of the teams has agreed not to use it. 2 vs 2 vs 2 vs 2 commando wars have also been immensely fun over my local LAN (school) during playtesting, bringing out the best and the worst in each of the players involved, including the discovery of who can keep a cool head in a crisis. I don't know if this style of play has been used before in games like Quake or Unreal, but It was damn fun. If one player dies, what does the other do? Hide? Meet the other at a rendezvous point? Some extremely inventive strategies have come about whilst playing commando wars, and the emphasis has definitely been placed on stealth, which is something that is extremely lacking in maps like crossfire and, well, most of the others out there. I must thank again Lord Dakushna for his excellent turret prefab which rounds off the piece, and my playtesters for their hard work. There's a more detailed round-up of other details in the map readme. You never know, this might turn out not to be complete rubbish like my last maps :) Here's hoping. Chris "Overlord" Wood UKlord HL on AOL