_________________________________________________________________________________________ Hallspawn Original concept by [HHA] @-=Soul^^Asylum=-@ Created in a little over 1 month RMF compiled 10 March 2009. _________________________________________________________________________________________ This map is a complete original work which utilizes textures dirived from the Half-Life Mod Natural Selection. Its small, fast and tons of fun for 6-8 players who are truely seeing an original Half-Life style shoot'em up to the death map. Not recommended for play on older machines with less than a Pentium 4 processor and a decent video card capable of sustaining OpenGl modes. ____________________________________________________ Description: This map is an all indoor fun map set in a muti-hall entry setting. There will be tons of spawning monster entities which will as the map plays turn to several different types and off different levels of difficulty. At times the lights also go out then will come back on, adding a different feeling to the game play. Two weapons closets are hidden for your pleasure as well. lol Compile: The compilation was performed on my custom built AMD Anthlon XP 64 bit 3700+ machine, running 2GB DDR memory, on a AGP Nvidia x400 card. Compile time was less than 30 seconds total time Other Tools: Wally Weapons and ammo: You can set your server ammo defaults for whatever weapons and ammo 2 health chargers located next to one of the main doors Spawn Points: 6(of course!) arranged somewhat to minimize sequential respawns WADS: co_teabag.wad,null.wad,ns3.wad,ns2.wad,ns_tanith.wad,metalandbluetextures.wad Not all textures were used from these wads and doing wad include would have made this map very large. I opted to create a .res file for these resources to download from our fast downloads site vice getting them directly from our server. Recommend that server Admins do the same. Enhancements: Multi-monster spawn, and some nice added entities near the 10 minute mark of the map Overview files: NONE Download Time: The basic map and BSP's files will typically be a 5 to 10 minute d/l. Trust me!! It is worth the time getting the resources and you'll only have to do it once. I recommend that servers that wish to optimize their d/l time create an area when the wad files can be put on a fast download link that is not linked to the game server. Testing: Still in progress. I released this map to the general public via our game server for testing and feedback from all who will participate. Dedication: This map is for ALL the clannies at HHA. Enjoy my friends!! _________________________________________________________________________________________ notes: Servers running this map must set the CVAR mp_allowmonsters 1 for the monsters to appear. Because of an odd initialization quirk in the HL engine, the server must be restarted at least once for this CVAR to take effect. The map has a great many entities that are visible all the time from one player position. Some slower computers and graphics cards may not like this very much. Above all, HAVE FUN! _________________________________________________________________________________________ Questions, comments, attaboys, problems, all are welcome: Email: nazereth44@comcast.com HHA Clan Forum: http://hellshalfacre.invisionplus.net/ HHA Clan Website: http://www.hhaclan.fatpipeshosting.com/nuke/index.php