Megalith (created by mazemaster) ------------------ Installation Info: ------------------ Unzip all of the files to your half-life directory. The files will automatically be put in the correct subdirectories. ------------ Please note: ------------ This map slightly exceeds the default texture maximum of 4 mb. This may cause some problems on some old video cards. This map is detailed and therefore may run slowly on older computers (ie: less than 400 mhz). -------- Credits: -------- Textures used: Author: SOCK tp-egyptian wads Valve tfc wads Author: MasterPlan Animating fire texture Skymap: Author: Counterstrike Team Train Yard ------------ Permissions: ------------ You may do pretty much anything you want with this map as long as you abide by 2 rules: 1: You may not sell any part of this map in any form unless you obtain permission from me. 2: I must be listed in the credits of anything that uses any part of this map. That said, i am pretty cool about people using my work as a base and/or using parts of my maps in their maps. If you have reason to want the source files to this map, you can contact me explaining your reasons, and the chances are that i will give you the source files you requested. ------------------ Special Thanks To: ------------------ JUIM Hosting Playtests! RUST forums: Suggestions for improvement on the map, and overall assistance. Merl Some technical help and some great modifications to ZHLT at my request (hes a real nice guy) Weasel Suggesting the name "megalithic" which i changed to "megalith" All the playtesters ... //Tech stuff ------------------------- Construction Information: ------------------------- Base: None Level editor used: Worldcraft v3.3 -------------------- Compile information: -------------------- Tools used: CSG: Merl's modified HLCSG.exe v1.4 BSP: Merl's modified HLBSP.exe v1.4 (see above) VIS: HLVIS.exe v2.5.3 RAD: HLRAD.exe v2.5.3 (see above) Computer: processor: 1.4 ghz p4 ram: 384mb RD RAM Compile time: CSG: 0 min 40.42 sec BSP: 1 min 26 sec VIS: 12 min 24 sec RAD: 35 min 8 sec ---------------------------------------- Technical aspects (for mappers benefit): ---------------------------------------- The rolling boulder: func_train using the 'avelocity' key spherical shape generated using the cone slicing method Random Teleporter: trigger_teleport > tunnel with trigger_push > trigger_teleport changetargeted by a random event generator Fire!: Animating texture on thin func_illusionaries, render_mode=additive Water Fountain: Passable func_conveyor with water scroll texture Opening the gate when the 2 buttons are pressed: Multisources tend to cause trouble when targeted by multimanagers, so i was forced to use physical logic gates: ------------- Contact info: -------------