T's House v2 design by Mr.T built by Darth Sailor Creation time: 2006/01/20 - 2007/02/15 Release Date: 2007/07/07 This version has some parts of version 1 taken out. There are a few custom textures compiled into the map made with various editors. Likewise with the custom audio files. There are a few of secrets in the map. I really hope you enjoy them. You can contact me at DarthSailor@Yahoo.com. I'm always willing to help people out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario You're out for a nice relaxing weekend at your favorite retreat up in the woods, when all of a sudden all these yahoos show up with guns trying to blow your head off!!! So much for peace and quiet... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A final note : "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rich Cook I'm sure there are things you can 'break' in this map, but I think I covered everything I wanted to. HAVE FUN!!! Darth Sailor.