T's Killbox design by Mr.T and Darth Sailor built by Darth Sailor Creation time: 2007/08/16 - 2007/08/31 Release Date: 2007/08/31 This is a rebuild and addition to [FF]Killing Box by Ooblik and Kinetik. I tried very hard to contact them with no success. Considering the age of the map and alternate versions already out there, I believe they wouldn't mind. If by chance they do see this, I would appreciate an email from either one. The area behind the wall turned out to be difficult to make, but worth it in the end. On all my maps to date, I've used the same keypad with the same combination to get to one secret area. You can contact me at DarthSailor@Yahoo.com. I'm always willing to help people out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scenario Aliens from another galaxy have magically warped you inside a box. They also gave you angry pills and guns! You can't resist the urge to shoot everybody... go figure... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A final note : "Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rich Cook I'm sure there are things you can 'break' in this map, but I think I covered everything I wanted to. HAVE FUN!!! Darth Sailor.