----------AUSTINRAGE---------- released 4/5/99 Model name: AUSTINrage Author: [R.A.G.E.]~AustiN Model homepage: http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/zone/6462 Installation:Make a folder in Sierra\Half-life\valve\models\player\AUSTINrage Copy all files contained in this Zip into it (AUSTINrage.mdl, AUSTINrage.bmp, AUSTINrage.txt) ------------------------------------------------------------ About the Author============================================ Well here it is.. finally!! I got sick of waiting for someone to make a STONECOLD model, so here ya go. I spent lots of time that should have been spent on my collage portfolio or on my homework on the making of this skin. So please dont edit it or change the skin in any way. Destribute it freely. Form your bud AustiN.. drop me a line anytime at: manny@cgocable.net -AUSTIN