ThorOfAsgard_README.txt 1:10 30Apr2000 This model is based on the character Thor, from Marvel Comics. I would like to thank Keith VanDorn as I used his model to create this version. I edited his Thor skin and model to look more like how Thor looks in the comics today. Created with Chumbalum Soft's Milkshape 3D and wouldn't have been possible without Scarecrow's tutorials from Coldfusion. Thanks to A.U.S.T.I.N. for figuring out how to make a cape (See his Superman model). #vertices: 446 #triangles: 856 #groups: 2 #bones: 40 #materials: 2 sgroups: 1 Thor and his likeness are the creations Marvel Comics. To use this model for Half-Life simply create a new folder named 'ThorOfAsgard' (NO QUOTES!) in: ...\Half-Life\valve\models\player\... Un-zip the ThorOfAsgard.mdl, .bmp, and .txt files into the new ThorOfAsgard folder. This model isn't recommended for people with slower machines. copywrite Kodiak. This model is not meant to be sold or used for any other purpose than individual use. If you are interested in using it for a mod or converting for any other game than Half-life, please contact me at: You should also ask Keith VanDorn at since he did most of the work on the original.