Hi! I know that nobody ever reads these "readme" files but I'm making this anyway. Type: Halflife Multiplayer Pluggin Model Name: darkbot Release Date: summer 2000 Author: Bad_Apple (and the guy at Valve who made robo) E-Mail: That_Snowman_Guy@hotmail.com Homepage: http://www.snowworld.8m.com/ Files: darkbot.mdl, darkbot.bmp, darkbot.txt Instructions: Create a folder Half-life\valve\models\player\robot and just unzip all the file into there. Model Notes: I just want to thank Valve for creating Half-Life and for letting all of us Half-Life adicts modify their models (this one is a modified version of robo). Oh, and if any of you guys want to use any of this stuff for a mod or any other comercial product or if you just want to reskin it, e-mail me and get permission first.