Darkman and Lightman -------------------------------------------- MODEL INFO: Author: Bacca Model Name: Darkman and Lightman Total size: Both Darkman and Lightman are 303 kb, the original .zip file was 300 kb Build Time: Approximately two hours Programs Used: Microsoft Paint and Fast Movie Processor 1.44 Known Bugs: None Description: Darkman is the evil twin of the hero Lightman. That's pretty much it. They're not really real superheroes, I just made them up in order to have an excuse to make them. I pretty much just wanted to create two different contrasts of characters, and these were the best (I think) out of all of the ones I made. It's not really supposed to be anything, just two guys with weird looking skin. Darkman would be good for stealth, while Lightman would be good for...well...being flashy. Have fun! Installation: Copy all Darkman files into Half-life/Valve/Models/player/darkman Copy all Lightman files into Copy all files into Half-life/Valve/Models/player/lightman Distribution: Do what ever you want with my models. If you use them in any commercial way, please contact me at PredaconX3@aol.com. If you use them in anymods without changing the skins please include me in the credits. If you are going to distribute this however, please include all of the files in the .zip including this 'readme'. Thanx. Special Thanks: Thankyou to the person who made the Team Fortress Sniper model, because that is the model and skin in which I based these two models on. ---------------------------------------------- If you have any comments or critiques, or you think my model is a load of crap then you can email me at PrecaconX3@aol.com. Thanx. E-mail: PredaconX3@aol.com