Enclosed files are: drackon.mdl, drackon2.mdl drackon.bmp, drackon2.bmp this file. Erm...not really a description. It is a character that I made up, more specifically a race. It is an alien descendent of the Dragons. Drackon is not just a specific name, if I were to name the model itself, maybe Hambone? Lol joking :) 343 triangles 173 vertices 1 256X256 skin 1 128x256 skin There are some deformation problems in the arms. Not majorly though. Bamphalas made a colorized version of my skin which I have also included. Just in case mine doesn't suit you :) Also I am looking for someone to custom animate it...I had to adjust it to fit the valve biped which sucks..and I have no time to animate it anymore, so if you want to contact me! vykk_draygo@al.isc.tamu.edu is my e-mail. [GH]Vykk Draygo is my name :) Bamphalas for help on the skin. Scarecrow for thoose awesom tutorials. The CF regulars that responded to my post and supported me. My clan GH , they rule! Me because I made this model :) And all thoose other people who are cool out there...no not you! ;) Basically, Valve ownz Half-Life not me :) Yet I own the model, and the original skin. As well as the rights to my race and Hambone, just because it's a cool name. You may not use this mesh in anyway without my permission. You may not reskin it with out my permission. However just ask...I'm a nice kinda guy :) Go to your Half-Life\Valve directory. Open up the folder called "Models" then open up "Players" Creat two new folders. One called drackon, the other drackon2. NO CAPS! Select the files that match their names, and extract them into the new folders. For example, drackon.mdl goes into the drackon folder, not drackon2 :)