Kermit_README.txt 9:52 3 OCT99 This model is based on the character Kermit, from the Muppets. Created with Chumbalum Soft's Milkshape 3D and wouldn't have been possible without Scarecrow's tutorials from Coldfusion. Thanks to Mark Inman & Scarecrow for their help with a "short" character, too. #vertices: 331 #triangles: 628 #groups: 2 #bones: 40 #materials: 2 sgroups: 1 Kermit and his likeness are the creations Jim Henson. To use this model for Half-Life simply create a new folder named 'Kermit' (NO QUOTES!) in: ...\Half-Life\valve\models\player\... Un-zip the Kermit.mdl and .bmps into the new Kermit folder. Kermit is about half the size of a human and really hard to see or hit. All of the weapon animations work great on this short guy except the rocket launcher, which seems to be imbedded in his little head. k_vandorn