Imperial Royal Guard from Star Wars This is the first attempt to create a model. It isn't bad (but not good), I have a lot of problems with animations like swim. The shoulders not work perfectly, but with textures it looks like fine (a bit). And another problem: treadwater, the leg appears. Maybe next time will fine :-)) I'm waiting for someone's help for this problems. //////////---------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\ Model Info: Author : H-ee "Agi" The DDD Vertices : 525 Triangles : 844 Joints : 40 Built time : About 8-10 hours of meshing, and another 8-10 hours of texturing and animating (repairing errors) Animations : Valve Programs Used : MilkShape 3D 1.1.0 Beta5, Photoshop 5.0, Mdlviewer 2.1 Known Bugs : Swim, treadwater animations (I don't know more...) //////////---------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\ Installation : Just copy the Royal_Guard_Agi.mdl and Royal_Guard_Agi.bmp into the Royal_Guard_Agi folder //////////---------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\ Thanx to : Valve for making this peak game Half-Life Scarecrow at ColdFusion for the tutorials. Without these I never start to make a model. (but these are a bit old, and I have a lot of problems about it. Bone assignments. Compile.) Marc "Pharaoh" Nuar for his Jesus model, I learnt it for his robe. Congratulations!! Music Instructor, and all the creators of the soundtrack of the Matrix these played when I created the model. Chumbalum Soft for MilkShape 3D Otis, Ascent and Dark Yoda for the model viewer The Wachowski Brothers for the Matrix, because if I was tired I saw a few minutes from it. //////////---------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\ Please feel free to distribute these files, but do not delete this file. If you wanna contact me: E-Mail : H-ee "Agi" The DDD