Scouttrooper from Star Wars And I made it again. This is my third model. Hmmm... I thought this will be a good model. Well it's not bad, but I think my Stormtrooper is better. A little problem: I not covered the arms end. You are able to see if you take a close look. But it's not terribly noticeable during play. 'Why' you questioned. Because the facecount is now 900. I'm not going to grow it. It's pretty. //////////---------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\ Model Info: Author : H-ee "Agi" The DDD Vertices : 636 Triangles : 900 Joints : 40 Built time : About a week (2-4 hour a day) Animations : Valve Programs Used : MilkShape 3D 1.1.0 Beta5, Photoshop 5.0, Half-Life Model Viewer v1.24 Known Bugs : Not known... or see before //////////---------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\ Installation : Just copy the Scouttroop_Agi.mdl and Scouttroop_Agi.bmp into the Scouttroop_Agi folder //////////---------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\ Thanx to : Valve for making this peak game Half-Life Scarecrow at ColdFusion for the tutorials. Without these I never start to make a model. Music Instructor, and all the creators of the soundtrack of the Matrix these played when I created the model. Chumbalum Soft for MilkShape 3D, and the Model viewer. The creators of The Jumbot. The Wachowski Brothers for the Matrix, because if I was tired I saw a few minutes from it. Special thanks to George Lucas for Star Wars. //////////---------------------------------------------------------\\\\\\\\\\ Please feel free to distribute these files, but do not delete this file. If you wanna contact me: E-Mail : H-ee "Agi" The DDD