---------- A L I E N R A G E ---------- released 4/15/99 Model name: ALIENrage Author: [R.A.G.E.]~AustiN Model homepage: http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/zone/6462 Installation:Make a folder in Sierra\Half-life\valve\models\player\ALIENrage Copy all files contained in this Zip into it (ALIENrage.mdl, ALIENrage.bmp, ALIENrage.txt) ------------------------------------------------------------ From the Author============================================ This is an Alien from the popular movies. It was created from the model Baboon, hey... you know what... people might actually use it with this skin eh. =) This might help in a mod later on, ALIENS vs MARINES , that would sweet no? Drop me aline anytime: manny@cgocabe.net -AUSTIN