ver 1.0 Final Thank you for downloading "CPR Extreme HalfLife Skin pack #1", the official DM Skins of "CPRman" ( CPR's Deathmatch Models Just extract to your \sierra\half-life\valve\models\player folder. The .mdl file is the model you will see during play. The .bmp file is necessary for the model to be selectable via the launcher interface. For a player model to be visible to all clients playing, it must be installed on the server for it to propogate to all playing clients. When a model is downloaded from the game server, it does not download the .bmp file necessary for selecting the model in the interface: models must be deliberately installed by the player.<<<>> If you do they will not be valid Skins in multi-player events.> Well that's all there is to it..Visuals included Skins: CPR Bite Me CPR2 (squared) CPR Grunt CPR MadSci CPR Ninja "CPR Extreme" ( Special Thanks to everyone who helped... p.s. This is a FREE PUBLIC add-on for the retail Sierra game HalfLife. CPR Extreme is not responsible for anything in anyway.