Stardate: 1000713.2009 Skin Name: Ensign Hazard Model Name: Gordon Designer: Colonel Grib Captain's Log: Finally I got around to finishing my first skin. I've been working on it for about 7 hours over the last few months, it took longer than expected and I had exams as well. In fact it took so long Ravensoft beat me and got their demo out (115MB how you meant to download that on a 56k modem, I've got 8MB and the game will probably be released before I finish). The skin isn't very professional and was intended for my own use so don't critise it too much. I'd never done anything like this before and I was just sick of the shear lack of Star Trek models for Half-Life. Originally I had planned on creating a mod but my programming let me down then a level but my computer just don't have the power. So Ensign Hazard is the first in the line of 4 Star Trek based skins, the others being the Female Hazard Suited Ensign, a new Borg model (one that isnt brown or a greyscale of the HEV) and Luther Sloan of Section 31. Background: The Skin is based on the Hazard Suits in the game Star Trek Voyager, Elite Force where you play the male or female Ensign Munroe. The skin isn't exact but is the best I can do. Installation: Unzip into Sierra>Half-Life>Valve>models>Player Then pick in the game as normal. Commendations: Thanks have to go to Ravensoft for the diagrams of the hazard suits Star Trek for the inspiration Paint Shop Pro 6 Half-Life Model Viewer from Winamp, Nescafe Gold Blend, and Cadbury's Dairy Milk for stimulation and anyone else who helped get this off the ground and gives me publicity.