The E-Team Mr. T and Ron Jeremy Vs. Olga Eidosa, Berzerk Lovedoll Author: DeadFrog Install: Unzip in the directory where Half-Life resides. Woohoo. Credits: Latex Surgical Gloves - They make great balloon puppets D14BL0 - for gaiety control Story: One day, I fell down while making toast. My skull cracked against a counter, propelling my consciousness to the Half-Life portion of the space-time continuum shortly after the incident. It seems as though all game heroines had enormous mammaries, a veritable sea of spheres. Eidos Interative, always being the innovators in the field, still managed to stand apart by providing two things. One, an innovative new camera system that no longer required the player to back into strategic locations. The second was much more daring... Eidos had gone into the line of producing mechanical lovedolls based on their characters. To save time and effort, Eidos cut corners. They saved work effort by making all game characters have gaping vibrating orifices, thus making the dolls accurate. And they managed to allow a few bugs in the dolls. Nothing extremely dangerous. Enter a certain biochemist, who we'll call W. Bennet for anonymity. W. Bennet was gradually giving up his pursuit of the opposite sex, all females being conspicuously absent in his section of Black Mesa. In desperation, he ordered an "Olga Eidosa" economy model. With all the leaking equipment around the lab, something went wrong with Olga's programming. She reverted to her game character's behavior. To be precise, she did a backflip, grabbed a crowbar, bashed a confused guard's head in, and stole a gun. All while defying the laws of physics. W. did what any noble person would do. He dialed technical support, pretended that never saw the mechanical doll. Olga soon found other doll's in the complex, they being locally popular for some obscure reason. It wasn't long before teamplay mode was activated, and an army of dolls were wreaking plastic havoc. It was all up to the two best lovedoll techsupport engineers that Eidos Interactive had offer. Mr. T, explosions expert and fool pitier. And Ron Jeremy, wearing the latest in X-ray headgear technology.