07/07/00 Toy_Machine by BEVERIDGE Vertices: 450 Triangles: 868 (ouch) Textures: 1 Smoothing Groups: 3 This is my first model from scratch. Its based around a skateboarding company called "Toy Machine"'s logo. Their wood has big pop! It was a lot of fun making this model and i am pretty pleased with the end result as far as first models go although it wasnt the most efficent use of faces ever. I was wanting to create some custom animations but in the end had no ideas left and couldn't be bothered! You may notice the model has separate arms - this is to reduce "pinching" in the shoulders. Please feel free to spread this model about but please ask permission in the unlikely event of it being used in anything like a mod. This model was created using Milkshape 3D and photoshop 5 with the help of the exellent cold fusion tutorials! Comments, questions + suggestions to: BEV@beveridge62.freeserve.co.uk Thanx for listening, BEVERIDGE PS - check out the exellent Groo's mapping skills before he's famous @ www.buildingdesign.in2home.co.uk/