The Weems Skin by Bruce DeBoard ============================================= Installation : Unzip the contents of this file into your HalfLife/Valve/Models/Player/weems folder. Then simply select the skin from the Multiplayer Customization option within the game. ============================================= ============================================= Skin Name : Weems Folder : /weems Author : Bruce DeBoard E-Mail : Website : Editors used : Paint Shop Pro Additonal Thanks : Valve for making Half-Life ============================================== Notes : This is a skin of a friend of mine. I tried to make skins for myself and several friends, but this one is the only one I made that has turned out decent so far. We all liked it so much that most of us use it now. I have found that it is a little dark, but not too bad. The biggest problem I have is once you know someone is using it and you are looking for it, it seems that I keep mistaking ammo for the person. So while I am tearing up a case of ammo with the rpg, the real player sneaks up behind me and whacks me with a crowbar. ============================================== ***NB*** If this skin is to be used on a CD or other form of Multimedia Distribution then any credit given goes to Bruce DeBoard. Also, please ask before including it on any such distributive method. All I ask is a free copy of the CD in exchange.